Faulkton Area Foundation
Welcome to the Faulkton Area Foundation website. The Faulkton Area Foundation was created in 2014 to provide a philanthropic vehicle for Faulkton Area nonprofit oranizations and donors. We are one of 72 Community Savings Accounts in South Dakota. Even though we are an agent of the South Dakota Community Foundation, we are able to accept and administer charitable gifts, give good grants to our local nonprofit groups and organizations, and also give scholarships to hopeful young people from our region. Our volunteer board members work hard to ensure funds are going to groups and organizations that need it most.
(Photo) This is a photo from this summer when our Faulkton Area Foundation met it’s fundraising goal and received a $50,000 grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation. L to R: Kevin Deiter- FAF Board member, Roxanne Bossly- FAF Board member, Alicia Hammond- FAF Board Member, Troy Hadrick- FAF Board President, Lisa Mueller- FAF Board Secretary, Randy Tisher- FAF Board Vice-President, Jamie Farmen- South Dakota Community Foundation. Missing from photo is Dwight Hossle- FAF Board Treasurer.
The Faulkton Area Community Foundation was established in 2014 to support nonprofit efforts. Grant funding will increase as the fund grows. For more information about grants from the Faulkton Area Community Foundation, please contact our board of directors.